Expert Aviation Consulting
Unlock the full potential of your aviation assets with our specialized consulting services tailored to meet your unique needs.
Embraer Phenom & Legacy Acquisition Specialists
Flight Department Design & Aircraft Management
Pilot Training, Mentoring, Contract Pilot Services
International Services
Acquisition Services
Our Services
Global Aircraft Consulting takes great pride in providing the services listed below. We operate our company with the up most honor and integrity. I would rather not have your business if I can not provide services to you that are meaningful and from the heart. If you have the time, I would be honored for you to become familiar with all of our services and if there are any questions, please contact us by telephone or via the contact page.
Phenom Delivery Specialists
Navigating the delivery process of your Phenom aircraft with precision and expertise.
Flight Department & Design
Creating efficient and effective flight departments tailored to your business needs.
Pilot Training, Mentoring, Contract Pilot Services
Ensuring your pilots are well-trained, mentored, and available for contract services.
Acquisition Services
Buying the right aircraft for your transportation requirements can be a very difficult and time consuming process. Knowing which aircraft to purchase requires specialized knowledge and experience of the market and its trends. Global Aircraft Consulting can help streamline this process and provide you with an unbiased practical solution to your travel needs. It’s so important to perform accurate research when choosing an aircraft. You need someone to investigate not only the seating capacity and range of an aircraft but the takeoff and landing performance. I have seen instances where the proud owner purchases an aircraft only to find that performance wise, he or she has made a mistake. Global Aircraft Consulting looks at a purchase from an engineering standpoint. The data is there, provided by the aeronautical engineers and should be used during the initial research. It takes a qualified and knowledgable agent to look at these details and accurately decipher whether it meets the needs of the potential buyer. We use our knowledge, experience, and accurate research to find the right aircraft for you.
Every acquisition is different; different personalities, different aircraft and different accessories on the aircraft. It’s necessary to analyze We won’t pretend to have a solution for each encounter that may be a stumbling block during the transaction but we have seen enough to know when to reach out to our friends. We have trusted alliances between individuals that have seen most every situation and have been able to accurately and peacefully resolve the issue with skill and poise. Trust, honestly
Our Acquisition Agreement allows us to do all the work for you while you have full control of the process. First, we make a formal Purchase Offer defining the basics of the purchase such as price, delivery, and pre-purchase details. Once the Purchase Offer is accepted then we proceed to a formal Purchase Agreement that further defines the terms and conditions of the purchase and the responsibilities of both the buyer and the seller. A refundable deposit is then placed with an established aircraft title company after signing an Escrow Agreement. Global Aircraft Consulting has the experience and proven contract documentation for all of these agreements. The aircraft are then placed in an authorized maintenance facility to perform a Pre-Purchase Inspection. This is one of the most critical stages of the purchase and we utilize a team of technical consultants, at least one for every manufacturer, that has the technical and maintenance experience to inspect both the aircraft and the aircraft records. This technical consultant has many years of experience on any given aircraft and knows the intricacies of each. He knows where to look for problem areas and he knows the solution to these problems as well. He is just a small part of our team effort that has one goal in mind, to protect your interests at all times. Thank you for your interest in our Aircraft Acquisition information. We would be honored to talk with you concerning your desired aircraft. Please give us a call, 817.231.0012, or go to our contact us page and supply your information and we will gladly contact you. Thank you! The links below may help with some of your questions concerning acquiring an aircraft.
Embraer Phenom & Legacy Acquisition Specialists
Global Aircraft Consulting has been involved with the Embraer Executive fleet since inception. We specialize in helping owners take delivery of their newly acquired aircraft from the beginning to the end. We research the needs of the owner to determine exactly what the planned mission is and then recommend an aircraft. We stand along side the client during the research phase, we help with negotiations, contract signing, test flights, and interior/ exterior inspections and the final closing process. GAC has proprietary checklist that help in the process from the months prior to the purchase through the last day of taking delivery of the aircraft. There are a timeline of events that must take place prior to the acquisition to insure a smooth transition of ownership. We can’t guarantee that there won’t be problems that could cause a delay in ownership but we can guarantee that the process will make sense and if there is an unforeseen delay, then we will make an attempt to make sure that it is in the best interest of the new owner.
Global Aircraft Consulting has been involved with the Embraer Executive fleet since inception. We specialize in helping owners take delivery of their newly acquired aircraft from the beginning to the end. We research the needs of the owner to determine exactly what the planned mission is and then recommend an aircraft. We stand along side the client during the research phase, we help with negotiations, contract signing, test flights, and interior/ exterior inspections and the final closing process. GAC has proprietary checklist that help in the process from the months prior to the purchase through the last day of taking delivery of the aircraft. There are a timeline of events that must take place prior to the acquisition to insure a smooth transition of ownership. We can’t guarantee that there won’t be problems that could cause a delay in ownership but we can guarantee that the process will make sense and if there is an unforeseen delay, then we will make an attempt to make sure that it is in the best interest of the new owner.
It’s estimated by industry specialist that the cost to put together a flight department can cost over $100,000 in initial expense. Once the aircraft has been purchased, Global Aircraft Consulting is ready to help with flight department design and an introduction and orientation of the aircraft to the owner and employees that will be using it. We can actually start prior to delivery especially for the first time buyer because they may or may not have a flight department established. GAC will help in all facets of the transition. We will help with choosing a home base for the aircraft which could include choosing a safe and convenient airport with a suitable Fixed Base Operation (FBO) to operate out of. Typically the FBO will have a hanger to store the aircraft.
Is the hanger suitable to house the aircraft? Is the service from the FBO top notch? Typically most of this is taken care of by the chief pilot. But do you have one. As a new owner, you most likely do not have the personal in place to keep track of everything that you need to get started in the flight department business. We will be happy to look at all the details for you. It’s truly not that hard to do if you know how to do it. The biggest challenge is finding a pilot to manage the department. A person with knowledge on how to structure the foundation, so that you are set up for success in the very beginning, is hard to find. We have been in the business for over 45 years and have seen great methods and some not so great methods to accomplish the safe final product that you need for a successful well managed department.
The management of an aircraft is an interesting process. There are a number of items to monitor. Scheduling is always a factor. Maintenance is super important! Databases updates, cleaning, stocking aircraft with items that the owner specifically likes, and the list continues on. These are items that someone needs to monitor and accomplish. The new owners especially need someone to step in and help. Global Aircraft Consulting is totally aware and able to accommodate the management necessities for your new or used aircraft. We have monitored and managed aircraft for a number of years and would love to take care of your aircraft with the same attention to detail. We are prepared to do long term management locally and remotely. We travel to towns all over the United states and as far as that goes all over the world to establish to help set up a flight department and management program for the new aircraft owner.
Unless you have a flight department that already exists, it’s a challenge to find a pilot to step into the organization and take the reigns of not only developing a flight department but also accepting the responsibility of piloting your aircraft. How do you begin to find someone that you can trust to fly you, your family and your employees? How do you trust someone enough to spend up to $25,000 for training in the aircraft when you don’t really know if he/she will be a good fit with your company. It really is quite an investment into something that you really don’t know much about. Is it a gamble for the new owner? Absolutely! The pilot has to have a serving heart. He or she not only have to have a character with a serving nature, but they must be articulate, detail oriented and have a special love of flying. They also have to be stable, conscientious and confident enough to change the direction when safety is compromised or evident. This is where Global Aircraft Consulting can step in and help lessen the the gamble. We have been in the industry for a long time and know what it takes to find a good fit for your company.
This of course is not a factor if you already have an established flight department with personnel in place. Your methods of doing business may have to change a bit due to the different procedures of the new aircraft but this is a minor change to the operations. Your pilots are trained in these procedures and its just a matter of incorporating them in the day to day operations. Once the training is complete whether it’s done in a simulator or in the aircraft, there is a period of time where the newly type rated pilot must fly with another pilot that has experience in the aircraft. In the airlines, they call it a line checkout where a certified check airman rides along with the new captain or copilot reinforces the procedures learned in training and provides hints, techniques and observations of how the job can be done in an efficient and safe manner.
So how do you find an airline check airman to insure that your newly trained pilots get off to a good start? These airline check airman aren’t available to the Executive jet arena so that’s where Global Aircraft Consulting steps in. We provide training services, mentoring service and contract pilot services for the new owner. The program is personalized to the new owner. Russ Bird, president of Global Aircraft Consulting, can and will provide pilot services for you. He has been flying for over 45 years in all aspects of aviation. He started at the age of 15 and was instructing by the age of 18. He started flying private jets at the age of 22 and has been actively involved with flying ever since. Russ Bird has accumulated over 25,000 hours of time in all types of aircraft from high performance gliders to Boeing 777’s. Since retiring from American Airlines, he specializes in Embraer products that include the Phenom 100/300, the Legacy 450/500, and the Praetor 500/600 aircraft. With that said, you can immediately have a flight department developed and managed in a professional setting with methods and techniques that have been proven to be safe and efficient. GAC will continue to hold your hand through the transition period of taken in your new aircraft. We will assist with finding a pilot that you can trust and we will provide pilot services from within out staff of hand picked pilots that Russ Bird has personally flown with and trusts enough to allow them to fly his own family. Whether you need or require one pilot or two pilots, Global Aircraft consulting can populate the flight deck with a proven articulate, safe and caring individual that you will want to keep as your own pilot.
Global Aircraft Consulting, as the name suggests, is a global company with contacts thought out the world. We have traveled the world extensively and are very aware of the challenges that can be encountered within the aircraft industry. We are available for aircraft brokerage services on a world wide basis. GAC is available for delivering aircraft to countries authorized to receive aircraft. We of course specialize and personally fly the Embraer Phenom 100 and 300 aircraft and are available for delivery services for these aircraft.
We are also available to your flight department for travel information concerning the logistics of flying over the North Atlantic or the Pacific or for that matter anywhere in the world that you need to go. We have personally made hundreds of crossing with destinations such as Tokyo, London, Frankfurt and points throughout South America. The North Atlantic Track systems have special rules to follow if you are traveling to Europe. Your aircraft will need special equipment. If your company so desires we are available for personal travel to insure the procedures are followed. Knowledge is power when it comes to international travel. I’m not going to pretend to have all the answers but I know how to find them. We also have access to local training facilities that can provide your flight department the professional training required to insure a successful crossing. Thank you for your interest in our Aircraft delivery and sales information. We would be honored to talk with you concerning your aircraft. Please give us a call, 817.231.0012, or go to our contact us page and supply your information and we will gladly contact you. Thank you!